壞小子胡安 Juan

壞小子胡安 Juan, 1970

7.3 1970.01.01上映
丹麥 英語 劇情,愛情,音樂 100分鐘
莫扎特經典歌劇《唐璜》的現代版,講述了自以為是的男主人公隨心所欲地勾引女人、傷害女人並以此為樂的故事。 The successful artist and playboy Juan is a notorious seducer of women, through his ability to be just what a woman dreams of: Charming, charismatic, strong, sensitive, sexual. Driven by a restless urge to conquer new women, use them, and throw them away, he has hired his friend Leporello to help create a masterpiece: A filmed...